Monday, June 22, 2009

Bone Marrow Donations: Saving lives one cheek swab at a time

When Rob Purgert of Sagamore Hills was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia last October, his mother Jill couldn't believe it.
"We just thought he was doing too much, staying up too late," Jill Purgert said.
The test results confirmed the diagnosis and 80 percent of Rob's bone marrow had been affected. Over the next several months, Rob underwent intense chemotherapy but his positive attitude never faltered.
"Life goes on, you just have to take it as it is and make the best of it," he said.
Currently Rob's cancer is in remission. However, if he would need a bone marrow transplant in the future there is no match for him in the National Bone Marrow Registry.
His family, and parish came together to hold their own drives, and, so far, over 1,000 people have been registered.
Every year, more than 10,000 people will be diagnosed with a life-threatening disease that can be treated with a bone marrow transplant.
If you would like to donate, there are three more drives this month.
Donors are asked for a $25 contribution to cover the cost of the test. Here are details on the donation drives:
Bay Village: St. Raphael, 525 Dover Center Road. Sat. March 28, 4-7. Sun. March 29, 8-2. Call Anne Straitiff at 440-871-2298.
Cleveland Heights: St. Ann, 2175 Coventry Road. Sun. March 29, 8-2. Call Mary Golrick at 216-321-3847.
© 2009 WKYC-TV
Posted By: Updated: 3/16/2009 4:24:20 PM Posted: 3/16/2009 11:00:46 AM

Bone-Marrow Donations Leads to Friendship, Soul-Searching

MONDOVI, Wis. — Long before they ever met, Elly saved Rhonda's life.
Elly's name had been on a national bone marrow donor list for two years when the Red Cross called. A 24-year-old woman was desperately ill with leukemia. Would she come in for a blood test?
Elly might be the one person among millions who could help this stranger.
Sure, she would try.
Then the blood test results came back: She was a nearly perfect match.
Elly had her bone marrow extracted, and checked periodically on the progress of the woman, who had been given just a 1-in-5 chance of survival.
By law, the two women were barred from knowing each other's identity for a year.
After that, Elly Bertrand, the donor, and Rhonda Dietze Jensen, the recipient who beat the odds, became acquainted. It turned out that among the 3.7 million people on the bone marrow donor list, some of them continents away, these two women were practically neighbors: They lived 77 miles apart.
They wrote each other, called, met and became friends.
Five years passed, and Rhonda was sick again; her kidneys were failing.
The best option: a transplant.
The best donor candidate: Elly.
But Elly had already made one sacrifice. This surgery was more complicated, the recovery much longer. There were her three young sons to consider. What if something went wrong?
Rhonda didn't think she could dare approach her.
"How," she says, "do you ask a person to save your life twice?"
Truth is, Elly had tried once before to be a Good Samaritan.
It was a baby boy who needed a marrow transplant she had read about in her local newspaper. Elly thought of her sons. And when she saw a photo of the baby with his deep blue eyes, she couldn't resist.
But she wasn't a match. Two years later, when the call came, Elly didn't hesitate. "If I have good health, I might as well share it," she says.
Her mother was terrified. Co-workers said she was foolish, even crazy. A long needle stuck into your bone? For a mother, a husband, a child--of course.
But a stranger?
"Everybody told me they suck the bone marrow out of your spine, and you're going to be paralyzed," Elly remembers in her husky voice.
She wasn't deterred by those falsehoods, though she confesses that a photo of the needle and syringe made her flinch.

Nelly Encourages Minorities To Become Bone-Marrow Donors

Rapper's sister Jackie suffers from leukemia, needs bone-marrow transplant to survive.
by Lola V. Rephann

Nelly's leading a crusade to encourage minorities to become bone-marrow donors.

On Saturday in his hometown of St. Louis, the rapper appeared at an event to enroll minority participants in the National Bone Marrow Registry. Sponsored by his
"4 Sho 4 Kids" nonprofit organization, Nelly's campaign is named after his sister Jackie, who suffers from leukemia and is depending on a bone-marrow transplant for survival.

The "Jes Us 4 Jackie" events over the weekend in St. Louis and Los Angeles brought in about 1,200 new registrants, a heavy percentage of whom are black, Nelly's publicist said. There are currently 4 million Americans listed in the National Bone Marrow Registry, and fewer than 400,000 of those are black. Bone-marrow matching goes beyond blood type, and a recipient will have the most success with marrow from a donor of a similar ethnic makeup.

The more ethnically mixed a recipient is, the more difficult it will be to find a suitable donor, which was why the "Jes Us 4 Jackie" event encouraged all minorities to register, Nelly's publicist said.

Jackie Donahue, 30, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2001. Registrants on Saturday included Ashley Donahue, Nelly's 20-year-old sister, and Nelly himself.

The rapper has a busy summer ahead of him. In addition to four more "Jes Us 4 Jackie" registration drives, including ones in New York, New Orleans and Detroit, Nelly's on tour and he's also preparing to launch his clothing line for women, Apple Bottoms. While anonymous posteriors currently grace Apple Bottoms billboards in urban markets, like the one in Brooklyn, New York's street-fashion mecca the Fulton Mall, Nelly is on a six-city look-out for the "Apple Bottoms girl." She'll be picked in Las Vegas on August 25, selected from finalists representing New York, St. Louis, Atlanta, Miami, Houston and Los Angeles.

06.23.2003 2:10 PM EDT

This report is provided by MTV News

RTI employee overcomes fear to give a gift of life through bone marrow donation

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. -- The call came out of the blue: "You are a match. Are you still willing?" That was the essence of the message Mariel Christian, RTI's manager of Library and Information Services, received one day back in May. It had been so long since she signed up to be a bone marrow donor that she had forgotten all about it. More calls followed, plus a physical exam and consultations with medical specialists. Finally, on a recent October morning, Christian found herself walking through the doors of the Adult Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic at the Duke University Medical Center. In a clinic surgical room, a doctor inserted a special hollow needle into her pelvic bone, six times, until the desired quantity of liquid marrow had been extracted. The precious substance was then packed in a climate-controlled container, rushed by courier to the airport and flown -- possibly hundreds of miles -- to be injected into a waiting recipient that same day. Waking up in the recovery room, Christian reflected that she might have just saved a life. Donations of healthy bone marrow, especially from African Americans, are needed by people afflicted with a variety of serious illnesses. Leukemia is the one that comes most readily to mind, but there are others, including hereditary and acquired diseases that prevent a person's own marrow from producing normal blood cells. Christian's decision to be a potential bone marrow donor was made long ago, but not without trepidation. Mainly, she had to overcome a persistent fear of needles. "I had never even donated blood, because my veins are small and tend to roll away from the needle. It usually takes several jabs and lots of hunting around before someone can get blood from me," she said, laughing. "My family was amazed that I would do this." Prospective marrow donors must give a blood sample, from a pin prick, during the initial screening for the purpose of tissue typing and matching. Needles come into play if and when an actual donation is made. The story of how Christian became a donor goes back a decade to the time when she was working at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. "Duke held these health awareness clinics, and one time they were giving out information on the need for bone marrow donors. I was really impressed with the huge need that exists, so I agreed to sign up." She was screened and entered into the National Bone Marrow Registry. Then she waited. And waited. Eventually she forgot about it. When that May call came, she remembered. She also remembered what she had learned about the need for bone marrow, including the fact that many people, even some infants, die for lack of a matching donor. Between the call and the donation procedure itself, scheduled for a date in October, she was given several opportunities to back out. "They wanted to make sure I was absolutely committed to doing it." Finally, about a week before the procedure, the stakes became incomparably higher. "There's a point where they tell you, 'If you back out now, chances are that the person who needs your marrow will die.'" That's because the recipient must be prepared to receive the new bone marrow by having his or her own diseased marrow destroyed through chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments. The healthy donor's cells are given directly into the recipient's bloodstream. If the transplant is successful, the cells travel to the marrow, where they begin to function and multiply. Christian had no intention of backing out. Knowing something about the intended recipient of her donation only strengthened her resolve. "The Registry tells you a good bit about the patient, including the age, sex and the health problem. They don't tell you the name or where the potential recipient lives, though," she said. "I could only imagine what it must have felt like for that family to have to depend on the donation of a stranger as the best, and possibly, the only hope for their loved one." (The National Bone Marrow Registry tightly guards the privacy of both donors and recipients. Although Christian can speak about her own experiences, she has been asked not to share even anonymous demographic information about the recipient in a story such as this one.) Early on the day of the procedure, Christian's husband, Kevin, drove her to the transplant clinic. By 8:45 she was under the knife -- or the needle, in this case. Around 11:15, she was awake, though groggily so, and ready to be driven home.
Mariel Christian is prepared for her bone marrow donation
"Everything went exactly as they had told me it would," she said. "Including being very sore afterward for several days." Would she do it again? She might be asked to. When a hundred days have passed from the day of the procedure, Christian will get an update on the condition of the person who received her bone marrow. If the initial donation "took," she will not be called back. But if the news is not so good, and the person needs more of her marrow to continue to have a chance to live, she may have to consider heading to Duke one more time to face the needle. Although donating bone marrow involved some nervousness, physical discomfort, the usual risks that go with surgery and a chunk of time taken from her daily routine, "It was a deeply rewarding experience," Christian said. "I believe that we all have the power to change someone's life. Each of us may go about it in a different way." "I still laugh at what the nurse said to me in the recovery room. She said, 'That is really an amazing gift that you gave someone. It's way better than a sweater." Information about the National Marrow Donor Program is available on the Web at
About RTI International RTI International is dedicated to conducting research and development that improves the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. With a worldwide staff of more than 2,500, RTI offers innovative research and technical solutions to governments and businesses worldwide in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, democratic governance, economic and social development, advanced technology, energy, and the environment. The second largest independent nonprofit research organization in the United States, RTI maintains nine offices in the U.S., five international offices, and one international subsidiary, as well as project offices around the world. For more information, visit
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